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Jasmine Jae

Today we are interviewing one of the sexiest British women in the industry. She  has been taking the States by storm and now she is here today giving you a glimpse of the girl behind the porn. Guys we are talking about the amazing Jasmine Jae. 

JJ: Welcome to Inside the Porn. It's an honour to have you with us. 

So tell me how did you get into the industry?

Jasmine: A sequence of random events, chance meetings and a leap of faith. Needless to say I haven't looked back since.

JJ: Well we are all glad you haven't looked back because you have been an amazing addition to the industry. 

What's been the best thing about the industry? 

Jasmine: I get to do something I love, I get to travel the world, each day is totally different and I get to be my own boss.

JJ: I think with perks like that why would you ever want to do anything else? 

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Jasmine: The fakeness, jealousy and backstabbing that some people choose to indulge in. I try to distance myself away from these people as much as possible though. I'm all about supporting and encouraging my fellow performers.

JJ: I wish more people had that attitude. If we all helped each other the industry would be in a far better position. 

What's the funniest thing that's happened to you whilst working? 

Jasmine: Being full on into a webcam show at home in my bedroom when the window cleaner's head suddenly popped up outside out of nowhere. It was incredibly embarrassing at the time (especially when I had to then answer my door to pay him) but it's funny now looking back on it.

JJ: The least the window cleaner could have done is given you a free window clean haha. 

What are you doing now work wise? 

Jasmine: I've a lot in the pipeline but nothing I can talk about just now until everything is signed and sealed. I don't want to jinx anything but if it all goes to plan 2016 will be my best year yet!

JJ: where can people find you online? 

Jasmine: You can find me on Twitter @_jasmine_jae and Instagram @missjasminejae

JJ: I think you can assume you'll be getting a lot of my readers following you after this. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Jasmine: The orgasms obviously. 

JJ: And what really turns you on? 

Jasmine: Charisma. Plain & simple. That certain something you can't put your finger on but it draws you in inexplicably.

JJ: Oh I know exactly what you mean. There's something that can just draw you to someone and you can't stop it sometimes. 

What's your favourite film? 

Jasmine: I couldn't pick one. I love all kinds of movies from Harry Potter to Star Wars to Forrest Gump to The Godfather.

JJ: Ohhhh you're a film feel like me. I love it. I will watch all sorts in fairness. 

What's your favourite holiday destination? 

Jasmine: Anywhere hot and tropical. Mexico is a regular haunt of mine. I also went to Hawaii recently which was amazing too.

JJ: Mexico is a favourite of mine too i'm there a lot. It's one of those places in always looking forward to getting back too. 

Tell me one thing about yourself I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Jasmine: I have a brain. I was previously a marketing manager and have a First Class Honors Degree in Business Management and Marketing.

JJ: Well brains and beauty. There is certainly no surprise you're as successful as you are. 

What's been the biggest achievement in your life or career so far?

Jasmine: I think being a 30-something woman and four years in the adult industry and busier than ever is a pretty big ongoing achievement. I must be doing something right!

JJ: Well having seen a lot of your work I can say you're doing a hell of a lot right haha. 

What's been the most challenging thing you've had to overcome? 

Jasmine: Learning to not take everything to heart. Staying positive, thick skinned and motivated. Remembering the important things in life; your happiness, health and loved ones.

JJ: That's a great thing to come to realise and must make working in the industry a lot easier. 

What's the best thing a fan has done for you? 

Jasmine: I have one fan that is an awesome artist and sketches pictures of me. Using his talent like that and taking the time to draw me is pretty cool.

JJ: It must be flattering to know someone is taking their time to draw you. He obviously admires you greatly. 

What's one bit of advice you'd give to someone coming into the industry? 

Jasmine: Remember you are your own brand. Manage yourself properly if you want longevity in this industry. Don't be afraid to say no.

JJ: Well if people want to take advice from someone it should be you. You've had an amazing career so far! 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry?

Jasmine: Retire and lead a long, happy and comfortable life.

JJ: That sounds good to me. If you're going to retire that's the way to do it. 

And finally. What's the weirdest rumour you've ever heard about yourself? 

Jasmine: I haven't heard any weird rumors about myself. Just nasty ones but hey, haters gonna hate! 

JJ: Well, haters certainly do enjoy to hate. Thank you so much for taking the time to be part of the blog. Have an amazing 2016 and we are very excited to see what you have coming up in the near future. 

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